Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainbow Of Fruits & Veggies Extends Life!

Mom is right again - eat your fruits and veggies! This just makes sense - the more we eat the healthier we should be.

A new research study has shown that the more colorful our fruits and veggies in our diet the longer we will live. It also cuts the risk of cancer and heart disease.

(NaturalNews) People who eat more brightly colored vegetables live longer and may have a lower risk of cancer and heart disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The researchers examined the health and diets of 15,138 adults over the age of 19 who had participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Follow-up Study. Participants gave blood samples regularly between 1988 and 1994, and again in 2006.

The researchers found that those with the highest levels of alpha-carotene in their blood were 39 percent less likely to die during the study than those with the lowest levels. The risk reduction was especially pronounced for heart disease and cancer.

Alpha-carotene is related to the vitamin A precursor beta-carotene, and is found in high levels in bright orange, yellow and green vegetables.

The researchers also found that vegetables high in alpha-carotene appeared to reduce the risk of lung cancer more than other vegetables did.

"Results ... suggest that consumption of yellow-orange [vegetables such as] carrots, sweet potatoes or pumpkin and winter squash, and dark-green [vegetables such as] broccoli, green beans, green peas, spinach, turnips greens, collards and leaf lettuce, which have a high alpha-carotene content, was more strongly associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer than was consumption of all other types of vegetables," said researcher Chaoyang Li.

Ultimately, the findings of the study only reinforce what health professionals and mothers have known for generations.

"Eat a 'rainbow' assortment of fruits and vegetables," write Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno in The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods.

"A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is your best bet for preventing virtually every chronic disease. This fact has been established time and again by scientific studies on large numbers of people. The evidence in support of this recommendation is so strong that it has been endorsed by U.S. government health agencies and by virtually every major medical organization, including the American Cancer Society."

News Source -
Natural News

One of the most important anti-aging strategies is to eat more fruits and vegetables. The best is to eat them whole, fresh and raw. Another good option is supplementation like Juice Plus.

Written by Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Anti-Aging Wellness Center, from his Anti-Aging Wellness blog Is Born!

Yes I am a Baby Boomer! Born in 1959 - so I made it by five years. Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964.

We all want to slow down the aging process. Baby Boomers want to look good and feel good.

It's a great time to be alive because of all the advances in health, science and anti-aging research. Now we can put together a reasonable Anti-Aging Plan that can help improve our quality of life now and in the future and extend our life span also.

I have been a chiropractor for the last 26 years as director of the Back Resort & Anti-Aging Wellness Center. Now more than ever I give my patients Dare Health Challenges to make changes in their lifestyle.

Please join me in this journey as together we learn about Anti-Aging Wellness!

Written by Dan Davidson, from his Anti-Aging Wellness blog

I Dare You To Take The Stairs

A recent study suggests that people who walk the stairs just seven minutes a day could cut their risk of heart disease by 60%.

Sometime we just need a little nudge toward a simple healthier choice. In a shopping mall in England only 4 percent of people took the stairs that were next to an escalator. Brightly colored signs were added to the stairs that included motivational messages promoting exercise benefits. After six weeks the amount more than doubled to 10 percent of people who took the stairs. The findings were published in the American Journal of Health Promotion.

Stair climbing burns more calories than most other exercise activities. Scaling just two flights of stairs a day could result in a loss of 6 lbs per year. Six flights could help you trim about 18 extra lbs. Those kind of results could easily put the elevator man out of business.

The European Heart Journal published a study of 69 hospital employees who used the stairs exclusively for 12 weeks. Here are some of the benefits they enjoyed:

Lung capacity: up 8.6 percent
Body fat: down 1.7 percent
Waist circumference: down 1.8 percent
Diastolic blood pressure: down 2.3 percent
LDL (bad) cholesterol: down 3.9 percent

Taking the "Dare to Stair" can help reduce stress and will build greater leg strength and aerobic capacity allowing you to participate more fully in more daily activities.

Over 14 million people have already watched the video below showing how a little fun can motivate people to add a little movement to their day.

I Dare You To Take The Stairs! Your life and health just may depend on it.

Written by Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Anti-Aging Wellness Center - from his blog

Sunday, February 13, 2011 Is Born!

I have always struggled with time management. Some would say that I am a creative dysfunctional at times and I would have to agree. It's easy to get distracted with new ideas. That often leaves the important things in life undone.

It's time to give myself a "Time Dare" - to use my time more wisely. My goal is to make better decisions each day on what to focus my time and energy on. I also want to prioritize what are the important things in life for myself, my family, co-workers and friends.

I also realize I need to have a system and a plan that works both short term and long term. They need to be anchored in and be reflective of my goals and dreams for my life - my personal mission statement.

I will be thinking outloud with you as I vow to never give up being more productive and effective on my life journey. Please join in on the conversation and let me know your thoughts - perhaps we can be a blessing to each other.

Written by Dan Davidson, from his blog

Saturday, February 5, 2011 Is Born!

My brother Dave and I love to challenge each other to come up with new coined words and phrases. Of course the best scenario is when the new word is available as a .com domain name. We were brainstorming about the concept word "jazzify" - but the domain name was taken.

In the Think WOW brainstorming process, this lead us down a path to think of


And yes the domain name was available -

I have always loved the word "pizzaz" because of its meaning and its just so fun to say! Here is the meaning -

Pizazz - 1. having energy; vitality; vigor, attractive style; dash; flair. Also an attractive combination of energy and style; sparkle, vitality, glamour.

"Pizazz, to quote the editor of the Harvard Lampoon, is an indefinable dynamic quality, (Bazaar," March1937).

So mark this day February 5, 2011 for the coining of the new action verb, "Pizazzify". The official meaning is "To Add Style, Sparkle, Fun, Flair, Vitality, Vigor, Energy And Excitement To Everything In Life."

Pizazzify - sounds like fun to me and a great thing to do in life. I have been inspired and I feel like a protege of Daniel Webster himself.

Written by Dan Davidson, from his blog