Friday, December 24, 2010

New IBM Memory Could Revolutionize Data Access

We can often take for granted what is being researched today that may have a huge impact 5 to 20 years later. The new type of "Racetrack' memory has been researched for the last six years. This type of commitment includes the vision of "Think WOW" as well as the devotion of "Make a VOW."

Here is a description of the new memory and how it could affect our digital devices in the future -
A new kind of memory from IBM Labs is promising to revolutionize how much data we can store and how fast we can access it on our mobile and desktop devices.
After spending six years as a theoretical concept, the memory, dubbed Racetrack, finally is a huge step closer to reality. Researchers at IBM have recently confirmed that their theories of the physics behind Racetrack are valid and can be used to develop and manufacture this new type of memory.

This revolutionary type of memory could open up a whole new world for laptops, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Users would be able to store as much as 100 more times data on their portable gadgets, perhaps keeping as many as 500,000 songs or 3,500 full-length movies on one mobile device. And since Racetrack would use considerably less power, a single battery charge could power a device for weeks rather than days or hours.

The new memory is also expected to play a role in desktop computers and servers, allowing them to access more data much faster. In some ways, Racetrack combines the best elements of flash memory and magnetic storage and could prove to be the one technology to someday replace current RAM, Flash RAM, and even conventional disk drives.

News Source
What vision or dream do you have today that could make a huge impact years into the future. Develop your dream today and never give up!

written by Dan Davidson, From his ThinkWOW blog

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Overcome Evil With Good

Overcoming is addressed throughout the bible. This verse makes it very simple to understand -
Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21
There is evil in the world and we can easily become overcome by it. The pressures, trials and challenges can be overwhelming at times. We often may not understand why God seems to allow bad things to happen and why he even allows evil to exist.

One thing is for sure - the bible also says that God is love. And it is His love that can give us power to overcome evil.

As you live today, live for God. Be willing to be a vessel for his ministry on earth. We are his ambassadors from heaven. Ask Him in prayer how you can be a blessing and do good for others.

written by Dan Davidson, from his blog

Saturday, December 18, 2010

T r y T o S i m p l i f y

Life comes at us like a blur. We can get caught up in the whirlwind of busyness.

We are bombarded with information and messages. Our thoughts can quickly become saturated. We can reach brain overload before lunch.

I have always been one to be to busy. I have paid the price. Often because of busyness, I have not always focused on what's important in life. I have allowed a hurried life to get me off task and to actually feed my creative procrastination at times.

Here are the the words to a song I wrote recently - "Try To Simplify"

I need to make my life simple now
I wish someone could show me how

Gotta check text messages and voice mails again
Too many emails and facebook friends

Whether it's Blackberry or a new iPhone
I stay connected at the office and home

My head is needing a break from everything
That's when I pick up my guitar and start to sing

Why oh why can't I
Find a way to simplify

I'm tired of always racing in the fast lane
This kinda of pace is driving me insane

Oh Lord please help to me slow down today
And do a little less work - and a little more play

I gonna do my best tonight to try
To take it easy and Simplify

Written by Dan Davidson, from his Think WOW blog

Christmas Is Made Up Of - Tree Farm

Christmas Is Made Up Of . . .

discovering the charm
of a Christmas tree farm

by Cyrano De Words-u-lac, combined pen name of brothers Dan & Dave Davidson, from their Rhymeo blog

What To Do When You're In Hot Water

When we are under stress and pressure, that's often when our true character is revealed.

A man should be like tea;
his real strength appearing
when he gets in hot water."
When we find ourselves in hot water do we show our strength or weakness? If we got ourselves into hot water, do we become defensive and play the blame game?

Like a fine tea that is steeped in hot water, allow the strength of your character to be revealed to those around you. In the midst of trial and trouble you can be comforting to others, just like a warm cup of tea is soothing at the end of a day.

Written by Dan Davidson, from his blog Blog Is Born!

My family has always had a great sense of humor. My brother Dave and I picked up from our Dad and his brother Uncle Bill a keen sense of finding humor in life situations.

We love to laugh! I have learned that it is a great stress reliever. No matter what the circumstances are in life, we can always lighten up and laugh a little.

That's what the Laughopia blog will be about.

Laugh a little!

Laugh a lot!

Written by Joe Kurr, pen name of Dan Davidson, from his Laughopia blog

RiskBreaking For Success

RiskBreaking is more than taking risks - it's breaking down the fears, the obstacles, the challenges inherent in a risk which leads to breaking through to higher levels of success, achievement and excellence in life.

The definition of a risk includes the "possibility" of danger or failure. What if one-year-olds never took a risk to learn to walk. The risks are evident - they could keeping falling down, it could continue to be painful - if I keep failing it could damage my self-esteem and bruise my ego.

To many, the "possibility" of danger or failure is paralyzing. Often gripped by fear, doubt and a pessimistic attitude one can be in one of three negative risk zones - Break-in, Break-Up or Break-Down.

Break-In - Have you allowed others to break in to your life and steal your dreams. Are you playing it safe to "keep the peace" in a family, relationship or business. When we allow someone else to steal from us, it's natural to feel violated and distrusting.

Break-Up - Have you recently suffered from a break-up in a relationship personally or at work? Is there very little chemistry or connection in the teams you are a part of? Taking risks involves increased levels of vulnerability. When others break apart and shatter our creative spirit we lose our foundational base of supportive, acceptance and encouragement.

BreakDown - We are have heard of people having a "nervous breakdown". They can't handle life anymore. It's too much stress - they are overloaded with details and distractions. We can handle a few break-ins and an occasional Break-up, but if they continue to add up over time, we all have a Breaking point - that's when something inside dies, and we have a Breakdown.

Written by Dan Davidson, from the ThinkWOW blog

Would You Steal From The Salvation Army?

Sometimes life gets us down and we can become desperate. We are the receiver of great gifts from God. But we can be tempted to steal from the very one who is blessing us.

The story below is a life metaphor for when we may try and dip into God's kettle -

Police in a Twin Cities suburb say a Salvation Army bell ringer has been caught stealing from a red kettle.

An employee at Cub Foods in Eagan saw the man using a tweezers to pull money from the slot of the locked kettle. Police say the store's surveillance video confirms the theft of $40.

Salvation Army Major Darryl Leedom tells KSTP-TV the fundraising goal is $3 million, but currently they're only about halfway there. Source

It sounds like this was pre-meditated - the bell ringer probably thought ahead and brought tweezers with him to carry out the theft.

Check your pockets - are you carrying around any tweezers? Are you preparing to possibly steal from God - the very one who has lavished us with His amazing grace?

In the story, the Salvation Army major mentions that they are only halfway to their fundraising goal. With bell ringers trying to dip into the pot, it will surely take longer to reach the goal. Ask yourself, "What I am doing to help God bless and love others - am I helping or hurting God's ministry goals?"

Empty your pockets today of anything that could tempt you to steal - and give generously to God. Here is a link to the Salvation Army - a great place to start.

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Written by Dan Davidson - Blog from