Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Dare You To Stop The Insanity

Weight loss products and gimmicks are a part of our popular culture now more than ever. Over 90% of people who lose weight now will have gained it back and possibly then some a year later.

How many times have you jumped on a new weight loss fad bandwagon and had only temporary results? And later find yourself stuck in the same pattern again and again?

I Dare You To Stop The Insanity!

Whatever you have done in the past that hasn't worked - stop doing it! Do something different today.

Albert Einstein is attributed to the following famous quote -
"Doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results, is the definition of insanity."
Even if it doesn't work at least you will be wiser and smarter for having tried something new. Who wants to be fat and insane at the same time?

Here are some ideas to help stop the insanity today!

- If you know you need to increase exercise, schedule it. Create a new routine. Plan it earlier in the day to make sure you get it in.

- If you have a problem eating out, plan more meals at home that are healthier. Prepare more snacks and meals you can eat on the go if your schedule is busy. That will help being able to avoid having to eat out more.

- If you are a midnight snacker and eat the equivalent of a fourth meal after 8 p.m. change your habits today! Consider doing something radical - how about putting a padlock on the refrigerator door after dinner!

Whatever you do - do something different. By making even small changes in your routine and daily habits you can break through dysfunctional diet cycles.

I Dare You To Stop The Insanity!

Written by Dan Davidson, from his blog

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